Implementing Ethical Innovation Culture in the Era of AI and Chaos

Implementing Ethical Innovation Culture in the Era of AI and Chaos

“PwC Australia under fire for using confidential government information to advise clients, Victorian government under fire for a $1.5 billion contract awarded without tender, Queensland university under fire for mishandling sexual assault allegations, Australian...
Why this is the best time to invest in leadership skills

Why this is the best time to invest in leadership skills

When I started writing this article, I referred to the Post-COVID era. But now it seems that COVID is here to stay for at least one more year and become the ‘new normal’. Our generation (including our leaders) has never encountered such levels of combined...
How to develop a culture of optimism during the COVID-19 crisis

How to develop a culture of optimism during the COVID-19 crisis

The Coronavirus (CODVID-19) will influence the global economy and most certainly have a significant negative effect on small to medium businesses; Artificial Intelligence will take our jobs; This summers’ fires are just the beginning… From the minute we wake up in the...